The Synergy Programme
Synergy was developed with our partners the Laskaridis Foundation in Greece. This was in response to the need to produce a practical and ethical system of working with children at risk of social or school exclusion or with behaviours of concern in schools.
Synergy aims to build and sustain capacity in local schools or support services through promoting staff wellbeing delivered through a system of training, mentoring and support.
Our focus is on the actions and wellbeing of staff and the narrative. We explore how our mindset, emotions, stress and biases influence our attitudes and actions and how we can provide better support.
The programme is designed to change working practices through practical application of established scientific theory. The programme is CPD accredited and has been independently evaluated by the University of the Peloponnese.
Background / Ethos
Synergy is about building and sustaining local capacity and expertise. It does this by working in partnership to develop understanding of those aspects (worker mindset and self-awareness and the narrative) that influence worker behaviour and how these impact on the child. By a deeper understanding of ourselves and through reflective practice we can change harmful narrative and our behaviour to provide a calmer and more effective way of working with children and adults describes as ‘challenging’. By focussing on what can be changed i.e. ourselves, we greatly increase our chance of success. Developing our understanding and our experience in a deeper way we may also begin to interpret the context for behaviour and our part in it, reducing stress and allowing us to plan more effectively. Models that see ‘behaviour’ as rooted in the child and which intervene at that level have been found wanting in terms of their ethics, efficacy, cost and sustainability. This approach may be compounded by the intervention of expert professionals unfamiliar with the child, their family or the school. Moreover, it is also likely that such an expert may not sufficiently understand the local political landscape, language, environmental or cultural context. Such a model also risks disempowering staff at the local level with a long-term negative impact on local capacity and expertise.
“people are not disturbed by things but rather by their view of things. “
Albert Ellis 1913-2007
“Men are disturbed not by things, but by their opinions about them”
Epictetus 55 – 135 AD
For information on modules or to discuss Synergy Training with an AT-Autism Director please click here
Synergy offers practical strategies for understanding and responding to behavioural challenges in schools through a model of mentoring and ongoing guidance and support. It delivers this via local Synergy Mentors. The AT-Autism team trains the Synergy Mentors in practical evidence-supported techniques and approaches that develop greater refection, self-awareness and planning. The AT-Autism team visit each partner by agreement to train and support staff and review progress. AT-Autism offers ongoing support and advice via Skype, telephone and email. The programme is in 3 parts starting with an open seminar followed by a practice workshop and mentor training workshop. Once completed, individual bespoke seminars are then available and there is an annual conference and follow up sessions where needed. Synergy Mentors each provide regular support based on the Synergy approach to designated ‘Mentor Teachers’ in schools or services. Each Synergy Mentor will usually have up to five schools or services they support. Contact between the Synergy Mentor and local school or service mentor is on a regular basis. This is backed up by advice and support from AT-Autism staff.
Download the progression summary >>
For information on modules or to discuss Synergy Training with an AT-Autism Director please click here
Evidence / Evaluation
Synergy evaluates the impact of its work in the following ways:
- Increased capacity to accept, keep, and effectively support students described as showing so-called ‘behaviours of concern’. No exclusions reported.
- Increased staff confidence and competence.
- Increased staff self-awareness of their impact on behaviour.
- Increased staff understanding of the nature of the child’s lived experiences.
- Increased staff listening skills.
- Reduction of staff stress.
- Narrative and school culture.