About us

AT-Autism came together in 2012 to deliver the best autism training and consultancy to partners in the UK and internationally. Our diverse team of Directors and Associates have worked extensively in the autism and related fields, across a variety of contexts.

We believe that autism training and support should only be provided by highly experienced and qualified people. All our work is carried out by an expert in the respective area, overseen by an AT-Autism Director.

We are led by the need to personalise and by current evidence. Our experience means that we can respond swiftly and work in partnership with you to design workable and lasting solutions.

As a team we are experienced in working with partners where the cultural context requires adjustments to the content and delivery of training, or design or evaluation of services. We work alongside our partners to evaluate changes in practice and the wellbeing of people.

We also look to work with organisations wishing to devise and implement strategies for change or who may be facing difficulties or crises.